Online Giving

Beginning 2024 — A New Way to Give Online

Beginning January 1, 2024, our church is changing our payment processor for online giving to Planning Center. If you currently give online, this will require you to create a new account for online giving.

Why the change?

This kind of change is never easy, but we believe it is the best solution for our church for the following reasons:

1.) Cost Savings - The primary reason we are switching to Planning Center is to save money. We estimate this change will save the church around $12,000 annually in software and processing fees. We believe that cost savings is too large to ignore. Part of this savings is because Planning Center has significantly lower processing fees for online giving. Planning Center’s processing fees are:

  • 2.15% + $0.30/donation for credit and debit card donations

  • 0% + $0.30 per ACH bank account transfer donation

2.) Ease of Use - While there is no perfect solution, we believe the Planning Center giving website and app is an easier solution for our church overall.

3.) Cohesive Platform - Our church is already using Planning Center for other administrative needs. Switching to Planning Center provides a cohesive and unified platform for our church across the board.

I currently give online. How do I make the change?

If you currently have a recurring donation through Pushpay, you will need to do the following:

1.) Cancel your online recurring donations through Pushpay

  • Log into the Pushpay Donor Portal.

  • Look for the section titled "Recurring Gifts" or "Scheduled Gifts."

  • Click on the gift you'd like to update.

  • After selecting the recurring gift, on the top right, click on the “Actions” menu and select “Cancel Schedule”

  • Confirm the cancellation on the popup.

  • You will receive a confirmation message about the cancellation and then the gift details will show as uneditable.

  • You will need to carry out this process for all the recurring gifts in your profile.

2.) Start giving through Planning Center

Give on the Web

You can give online by visiting:

Give via the Mobile App

Download the Church Center App:

Watch this video to learn more: