Give to First Baptist

Why Give?
We give because Christ gave himself for us. He left the riches of heaven for our sake (2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 2:6-8). When we give, we declare that our faith and hope are not in the riches of this world but in the Lord (1 Tim. 6:17-18). Giving to First Baptist Covington helps us carry out our mission of making disciples who are rooted, reaching, and replicating.
Ways to Give
Online Giving
You may give online using a credit/debit card or e-check (ACH). 100% of your gift goes to the church; however, First Baptist incurs a 2.15% processing fee plus $.30 per transaction on all credit card donations and $.30 per e-check (ACH) donation. You will be given the option of including the processing fee with your gift.
Cash & Checks
You may give cash or checks during the Sunday morning worship gathering. You may also mail checks to the church’s mailing address.
Your Bank’s Bill Pay
Most banks offer an online bill pay service for their customers that allows checks to be mailed to the church at no cost to the customer. Set up First Baptist Covington as a payee using the church address.
Stock, Bond, or Mutual Fund
You may donate stock or other securities. You or your broker may contact Pastor Aaron Boeving to initiate a donation.
Contact Info
First Baptist Covington
Attn: Financial Assistant
1139 Usher St NW
Covington, GA 30014